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Recent contributions from the team at John Lamb Hill Oldridge in the media

Published On: 20 February 2024
Three members of the John Lamb Hill Oldridge team gather around a monitor to discuss their work.

Our team members are experts in their field and regularly contribute to industry-leading publications to share their knowledge and experience with others.

Here are a few of the most recent contributions our team members have made that you may find of interest.

In Conversation With… Ken Maxwell, Director at John Lamb Hill Oldridge

Director at John Lamb Hill Oldridge Ken Maxwell spoke to Kimberley Dondo on The Money Marketing Podcast in October.

The conversation covered a range of topics, including strategies that could help your clients to:

  • Safeguard their assets
  • Minimise their tax liability
  • Create a streamlined and tax-efficient succession plan.

Listen here: In Conversation With… Ken Maxwell, Director at John Lamb Hill Oldridge

Underwriting challenges of the hazardous pursuits of HNW and UHNW individuals

Our broker Jacob Fay has contributed many articles to COVER magazine, considered the leading publication on life protection and health insurance.

In October, Jacob wrote about the challenge of underwriting for hazardous pursuits, such as mountaineering, private aviation, and heli-skiing. In the article, he emphasised the importance of establishing the specific details of a client’s hobbies and exploring the whole market to find the most competitive rates for your clients.

Read more: Underwriting challenges of the hazardous pursuits of HNW and UHNW individuals

IHT planning, PETs, and the importance of gift cover

In September, senior associate Jonathan Morris spoke to IFA Magazine’s flagship podcast IFA Talk on the subject of gift cover.

Lifetime gifting can help high-net-worth clients to reduce their estate’s potential inheritance tax (IHT) liability, but gifts may still be liable for IHT if the donor dies within seven years of giving that gift. On the podcast, Jonathan explains how life insurance can help to cover this eventuality so that beneficiaries can enjoy more of the monetary gift they have received.

Listen here: IHT planning, PETs and the importance of gift cover

Your views: Could less competition strip support from customers that fall outside of the “computer says no” model?

Protection Reporter recently published an article about the risk of higher prices and stagnation within the industry as Canada Life, Aegon, and AIG Life UK leave the individual protection market.

It describes how the protection market in the UK is now composed of a few larger insurers, explaining that this could harm innovation.

Director at John Lamb Hill Oldridge Paula Steele was invited to comment on the story. She said: “We will miss AIG as their underwriting is more responsive to clients’ actual circumstances.”

Read more: Your views: Could less competition strip support from customers that fall outside of the “computer says no” model?

Leaders List interview: 60 seconds with Paula Steele

Our director Paula Steele shared some of her experiences and insights with Citywealth magazine in a 60-second interview.

Some of the topics covered included:

  • What a typical day looks like for Paula
  • Paula’s proudest professional achievement
  • Her opinion on the most important attributes for a leader to have
  • How John Lamb Hill Oldridge helps its clients with their most pressing challenges.

Read more: Leaders List interview: 60 seconds with Paula Steele, JLHO

Get in touch

If you would like to learn more about how we can support you and your clients in any of the subjects mentioned above, please get in touch. Email [email protected] or call us on 020 7633 2222.

Please note

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate estate planning, tax planning or will writing.

Note that life insurance plans typically have no cash in value at any time and cover will cease at the end of the term. If premiums stop, then cover will lapse.

This article is for information only. Please do not act based on anything you might read in this article. This article is no substitute for financial advice. You should seek a professional opinion before making a decision.

All contents are based on our understanding of HMRC legislation, which is subject to change.

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