About Slavica Smith

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So far Slavica Smith has created 53 blog entries.

A New Partnership: John Lamb Hill Oldridge joins as a Corporate Friend of Horatio’s Garden London & South East

2025-01-31T16:16:40+00:0031 January 2025|Blogs|

We are thrilled to announce that John Lamb Hill Oldridge has become a Corporate Friend of Horatio’s Garden London & [...]

Introduction of caps on Agricultural Property Relief (APR) and Business Property Relief (BPR)

2024-12-11T07:41:35+00:002 December 2024|Blogs|

The upcoming introduction of caps on Agricultural Property Relief (APR) and Business Property Relief (BPR) in April 2026 is likely [...]

‘Outsourcing protection advice: Should you, or shouldn’t you?’ by Paula Steele published in Protection Reporter

2024-12-02T15:15:28+00:002 December 2024|Blogs, PR|

In the ever-evolving landscape of protection advice in the UK, the decision to outsource protection advice is becoming an increasingly [...]

‘Opportunities for the life insurance industry from Budget proposals’ by Paula Steele published in Cover Magazine

2024-11-27T10:03:40+00:0025 November 2024|Blogs, PR|

Paula Steele, director, John Lamb Hill Oldridge, discusses how the Autumn Budget creates a need for protection for clients impacted [...]

‘John Lamb Hill Oldridge introduces a specialist team to support you in arranging insurance-based investment products for high-net-worth clients with global assets’ by Jacob Fay

2024-10-21T15:39:53+01:0021 October 2024|News|

Offshore bonds aka PPLI aka Insurance based investment products John Lamb Hill Oldridge offers advice and intermediation (placement) and ongoing [...]

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