Other Insights
‘Protecting yourself against the impact of divorce’ by Holly Hill published in ThoughtLeaders4 HNW Divorce Magazine
UK divorce statistics reveal that approximately 42% of marriages are currently ending in divorce. The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 allows couples to legally end their relationship without attributing any blame, thus hopefully reducing [...]
‘Life Insurance and offshore clients’ by Jacob Fay published in Thought Leaders 4
Placing life insurance for clients based offshore who are looking for cover against UK IHT liabilities can present initial challenges, particularly regarding the structuring of cover. We see a significant number of offshore clients who [...]
Leading expert launches dedicated insurance-based investment products advice team
Offshore bonds aka PPLI aka Insurance based investment products John Lamb Hill Oldridge offers advice and intermediation (placement) and ongoing servicing for offshore bonds and is fully regulated to give this advice in the UK. [...]